Dmello Strategic technologies

early stage investment consultants and capital fund

What We Do

Dmello Strategic helps identify and build out early stage companies that show potential for scalable growth. We have one core philosophy - back the jockey, not the horse. We support founders over ideas and invest in teams we believe can carry just decent ideas to stellar success.


Dmello Strategic is interested in what tomorrow looks like. Tomorrow is here, and there's no plan B. 

Tomorrow is here.  no plan b.

Investment Planning and Support 

Dmello Strategic is interested in management projects that fit our core investment thesis and philosophy. We are happy to look into most projects and provide holistic solutions with a hands-on approach as required. Please contact us today for more on this.

No matter what the requirement, Dmello Strategic is here for the customer. We feel strongly that an investment is forever - it lives on. The people we support are our responsibility for our entire lives and this is how we look at every investment as well. 
